terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2014


Now we will publish theories of who maybe the Arkham Knight, the antagonist of Batman Arkham Knight

1- Hush:

Hush is a character that has a high knowledge of firearms and melee combat, which makes it a great candidate to be the Arkham Knight.
Hush also appears in a small secondary mission in Batman Arkham City where he changes his face and creates equal to the face of Bruce Wayne then soon leaves Arkham City.
Your hatred for Bruce Wayne makes it even stronger, then presently, Hush is the best candidate to be the Arkham Knight

2- Jason Tood- Red Hood

Jason Todd was the second Robin and one of the adopted sons of Bruce Wayne, Jason is murdered in comic''A Death in the Family'' by the Joker, then Ra`s Al Ghul, takes Jason's body, leading to the Pit Lazarus and then recussita Jason.
But when Jason comes out of the pit he freaks out and runs away to freedom, after a while, he realizes that Batman does not avenged his death and not mmatou the Joker, then, filled with rage, goes in search of Batman Joker ee to Batman decides who he will kill.
Jason qualifies for Arkham Knight for being the second Robin and this explains how he fights as well.
But Jason feels hate Batman because he had not avenged su death and did not kill Joker, but Arkha City, all the villains of Batman are convinced that Batman killed the Joker, then why would he even want to kill Batman

3- Damian Wayne

Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Gul, Damien is the son of Bruce but he did not know of its existence and Damian is keping in secret of Talia.
Damian stands out the role to have lived with the League of Assassins, this would be the answer to Arkham Knight have a great intellect in melee combat.
Her anger at Batman may have been influenced by Ra's Al Gul but Damian really exist, it would not be size for Arkham Knight and neither would join with criminals because the League of Assassins wants to ''clean up the world''

More theories will come

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