sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014


Batman Arkham Knight 

Batman Arkham Knight is the fourth game in the Arkham franchise, he spends a year after the events of Arkam City where that on the night of Halloween, the villain Scarecrow amongst some of the greatest villains of Batman, saying that threatens the city that night, will release a toxin concentrated fear, therefore, entire Gotham enters and causing panic in the city, there remained only the police, criminals and Batman. Batman Arkham Knight had great focus on gameplay and graphics, apparently each character occupies 25% of Arkham City scenario. Because of this, the rocksteady sadly announces that the game will be released only for PS4, XBOX ONE and Wii U. The gameplay becomes much better than other games in Arkham Knight will be possible now launching appliances quick shots (batarangues, grenade glue, etc) while flat, also invented a type of combo called "Fear Takedown" where you eliminate three enemies one by one using finishing techniques, to eliminate an enemy, the screen goes into slow motion to allow you choose the next target and what to do with it. As Batman Arkham Knight will spend throughout Gotham, the rockstady had to develop a way to fast travel and nothing better than the Batmobile. The Batmobile will have two types of modes, chase mode to allow the player to explore Gotham and combat mode in which the Batmobile activates a cannon, a machine gun and missiles, and thanks to that the Rocksteady announces Batman Arkham Knight will tank battles to hinder the game.

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