terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014


Arkham Knight at the cover of the EDGE magazine and also the magazine features an exclusive Arkham Knight cover story with some new info about the game and 6 new screenshots

A big thanks goes to Batman Arkham Videos, a famous channel at YouTube for providing these news details

-Rocksteady is making sure the Batmobile is more than just a plot device. It wont be used to meve from point A to point B with random shootouts. They want the Batmobile to be used as a compliment to Batman and it will make the game much better.

-Rocksteady is aware of all the theories online and are "emphatic that he's not an existing DC player, but a villain of its own creation."

-"Batman has not been nerfed to make the car more powerful. In fact, he has been buffed"

-Holding L2 transforms the Batmobile into the Battle mode, which is idea for tight situations. R2 fire the weapons in the battle modeinstead of boosting.

-Longer combos in the Batmobile will yield more powerful weaponry.  

-There is an enemy type that fires 3 rounds at once in a forked pattern that can only be damaged with weakspot strikes from the cooldown-managed grenade launcher.

-"The Arkham Knight's militia set up checkpoints in the world that make terra firma a dangerous place for Batman on foot. Clear them out, however and the enemy threat in the vicinity will thin out."

-"There's no sing of the Batmobile's importance more telling that you call it with the same button that once used to activate Detective Mode. The latter now mapped to the D-pad is still vital, though you can only use it on foot.

-While gadgets such as the batarang are still selected from the radial menu, efforts hane been made to steamline the process. Explosive gel, for example, is now a context sensitive action when Batman is standing in fornt of a destructible surface.

-The Animators shoot motion capture 3-4 times a week. Most of the time they do their own Mo-cap work instead of getting an Actor. "The team knows exactly what it wants, and if it needs a specific action, it's quicker to just do it than explain it."

-Combat has been tweaked. Enemies will have more animations (instead of the shared punches and kicks from Asykum and City). "Some enemies charge at you, and must be taken down by a Batarang throw, something that has long been optional in Arkham's combat but is now frequently essential."

-"A tightly executed counter will push your opponent back, knocking down any enemies behind them, something that in the previous gmes, could have meant the end of your combo, since a downed enemy could not be struck except with a knockout blow. Now, you can land a lightly damaging hit on enemies while they're down, or pick them back up for another pummeling, ensuring Batman's flow remains unbroken."

-You will have a window after a move where you get a chance to counter, no matter what you are doin. This will slow down the animation a little bit.

-The Silent Takedown recharge the Fear Takedown. Fear Takedowns are not silent and will alert enemies to your presence, wich can be a good thing.

-The audio has been recoded to enhance the game thanks to the Next Gen consoles. Music will be in surround where as Arkham City only featured stereo.

-Sefton Hill is mum on details on the game, he does not wish to have any spoilers, but he did mention that Commissioner Gordon would play a bigger role. (Don't expect a bunch of story related content in the trailers)

Keep Following for more news, easter eggs, secrets and more..

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